Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Tranquil Christmas!

And a hopeful New Year is rapidly approaching, minute by minute.  If I want to complete a December blog entry I have to start typing!

Sadly, I have to report that, about a week after my last post, Oliver crossed over the rainbow bridge. However, he was 18, had lived a good life, and died at home in his sleep.  You can't ask for much more than that.

December was uneventful.  Uneventful is good!  I had time to get several household things fixed which I'd postponed ever since moving in, plus unpack decorations in time for Christmas visits.

I received a solicitation for a new teaching platform which the programmers claim is better than Zoom and free (for the moment anyway).  I need to try it out.

Looking forward to getting back in the saddle in January.